As the track I've chosen is by a female artist, the majority of people asked were female. However, perhaps it would be less bias if I asked a more wide range of genders. |
3. Please give 3 examples of artists yo listen to and enjoy.
I collected a large range of artists for this question, but some came up more than once.
- The 1975
- Arctic Monkeys
- Drake
- Beyonce
- Jamie T
- Black Honey
- Blossoms
- Swim Deep
- Tame Impala
- Lana Del Ray
4. Which genre of music are you most interested in (choose all that apply)
Other Options were, Folk, Country, Electronic and metal, which none chose as genres they listen to. |
5. How important are music videos to you in relation to your favourite genre/music (10 being very important and 1 being least important.
6. What do you look for in a music video and what do you find most entertaining?
Most popular replies were;
- Aesthetically pleasing
- Attention Grabbing
- Colours
- Narrative
- Not too many shots of the artist
7. Do you prefer a music video to follow a narrative?
8. Please give at least 2 examples of music videos which you have enjoyed watching and give reasons why you like them.
some examples given include:
- Tame Impala 'the less I know the better'- colours and good narrative
- Arctic Monkeys 'Corner Stone'- Simple and funny
- Black Honey 'Hello Today'- retro
- The 1975 'Somebody Else'- interesting lighting and composition throughout
- Beyonce '7/11'- simple- homemade
- Swim Deep 'The sea'- Natural and fun
9. What would you expect to see in an indie/psychedelic pop music video?
some examples given include:
- interesting
- Random narrative
- Good visuals
- Unique
- Lots of colour
- Change of editing pace
- Indie people
- Strange
- Retro
10. Do you prefer a music video to feature the artist of the song or not?
11. If an artist which you are interested in brings out a new record, do you look forward to watching the music video?