
Target Audience Research Results

I asked a group of 10 people the fill out my questionnaire and these are the results:

As the track I've chosen is by a female artist, the majority of people asked were female. However, perhaps it would be less bias if I asked a more wide range of genders.
3. Please give 3 examples of artists yo listen to and enjoy.
I collected a large range of artists for this question, but some came up more than once.

  • The 1975
  • Arctic Monkeys
  • Drake
  • Beyonce
  • Jamie T
  • Black Honey
  • Blossoms
  • Swim Deep
  • Tame Impala
  • Lana Del Ray
4. Which genre of music are you most interested in (choose all that apply)
Other Options were, Folk, Country, Electronic and metal, which none chose as genres they listen to.
5. How important are music videos to you in relation to your favourite genre/music (10 being very important and 1 being least important.

6. What do you look for in a music video and what do you find most entertaining?
Most popular replies were;

  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Attention Grabbing
  • Colours
  • Narrative
  • Not too many shots of the artist
7. Do you prefer a music video to follow a narrative?
8. Please give at least 2 examples of music videos which you have enjoyed watching and give reasons why you like them.
some examples given include:

  • Tame Impala 'the less I know the better'- colours and good narrative
  • Arctic Monkeys 'Corner Stone'- Simple and funny
  • Black Honey 'Hello Today'- retro
  • The 1975 'Somebody Else'- interesting lighting and composition throughout
  • Beyonce '7/11'- simple- homemade
  • Swim Deep 'The sea'- Natural and fun
9. What would you expect to see in an indie/psychedelic pop music video?
some examples given include:
  • interesting
  • Random narrative
  • Good visuals
  • Unique
  • Lots of colour
  • Change of editing pace
  • Indie people
  • Strange
  • Retro
10. Do you prefer a music video to feature the artist of the song or not?
11. If an artist which you are interested in brings out a new record, do you look forward to watching the music video?

Rick Altman Theory

Genres have characteristic features that are known to and recognised by audiences. Audiences develop understanding that certain expectations will be fulfilled and they may find pleasure in predicting what will happen next. producers of generic videos depend on immediate communication with the audience. Easily recognisable features are particularly effective in connecting with an audience. This can prove problematic as audiences need to know what to expect from a generic video but some variation is required as you don't want the audience to be bored or dissatisfied.
  • Many artists use statement motifs to gain the loyalty of fans. For example, fans will expect Sia to be hiding her identity using a long fringed wig. This makes her very recognisable to audiences and fans and is a statement which makes her unique and rememberable. If she were to go out wearing a different wig or no wig, then she may be unrecognisable and her identity as an artist would be taken away.
  • Some artists give names to there fan base as a community. For example, Katy Perry has named her fans 'Katy katz' and Arianna Grande has named her fans 'Arinators'. This gives the loyal fans a sense of belonging and can put them on an intimate level with the star. Altman's theory is supported by this as the fan base is part of the artists persona and characteristics.

Katy Perry is a strong example of an artist which supports Rick Altman's theory. She follows the conventions of a pop genre video due to bright colours and the visuals representing the lyrics.
Audiences would expect all her videos to have bright colours and follow some sort of clear story line narrative. As well as showing closeups of her, as she is clearly the focal point of her music.


Altman suggests a 'semantic/syntactic approach'
  • Semantic means considering the conventions of the genre that an audience can relate to such as character or performers, locations, props and camera shots/movements.
  • Syntactic means the type of narrative an audience would expect from the genre.
Altman talks of a contract existing between the genre producers and their audience , with the audience having certain expectations from this genre and the producers needing to meet their expectations.

However, some artists purposely break the rules of this theory to create a shock factor. 

For example, Miley Cyrus completely changed her image and came out with her 'We Can't Stop' music video, which shocked everyone. Her previous music stayed within the pop conventions and followed what audiences wanted and expected from her as a previous Disney star. Therefore, when this song and video was released it caused outrage with old fans, yet she gained so much hype and attention, that her recent music is much more well know than her old stuff. This is a clear example of how flaunting Altman's theory can be positive, as sometimes audiences are bored of expectations being met and breaking the expectations can be fresh and more entertaining.


Target Audience questionnaire

1.       How old are you (please select the one which applies)
(15-17)   (18-20)   (21-23)   (24+)

2.       What is you gender?
(male)  (female)  (other)  (prefer not to say)

3.       Please give 3 examples of artists you listen to and enjoy
1.    …………………………………………………….
2.    …………………………………………………….
3.    …………………………………………………….

4.       Which genre(s) of music are you most interested in? (please circle all that apply)
(pop)   (rock)   (indie)   (folk)   (country)   (electronic)   (R&B)   (Psychedelic)   (House)   (reggae) (Metal)  

5.       How important are music videos to you in relation to your favourite artist/genre (10 being very important and 1 being least important)

6.       What do you look for in a music video and what do you find most entertaining?

7.       Do you prefer a music video to follow a narrative?
(yes)    (no)    (sometimes)    (not bothered)

8.       Please given at least 2 examples of music videos which you have enjoyed watching and give a reason why you like it.

9.       What would you expect to see in an indie/ psychedelic pop music videos and would you enjoy it?

10.   Do you prefer a music video to feature the artist of the song or not? (please select the one which applies)
(feature artist)    (don’t feature artist)    (not bothered)

11.   If an artist which you are interested in brings out a new record, do you look forward to watching the music video? (please select the one which applies)
(yes)   (no)   (sometimes)   (not bothered