
Evaluation Question 2

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Rick Altman's theory suggests that audiences have certain expectations from artists and like to be able to predict what they do. This gives the audience a sense of intimacy with an artist and if they follow motifs in their work, audiences can have a connection to what they may have planned next. Therefore, I wanted to use the idea of motifs and cohesion to gain an audiences attention, for a debut album. The album cover, magazine advert and music video all follow the same colour scheme and style, therefore, if an audience sees it advertised more than once they will begin to pick up on it and it will gain attention due to them hopefully wanting to understand what the repetitive theme is and what its linked to. Personally, if I see the same images more than once on multiple sites and different media outlets, it will gain my attention and I am intrigued by what is being advertised. I used the inspiration of other artists print work which I had analysed, such as Lana Del Rey, and Arctic Monkeys, who both used the same images and style for their videos, and ancillary texts. Social media is a platformed used today to gain publicity and promote products, the use of hints and motifs can cause a buzz and hype for the audience and the social sites allow images and videos to travel around the world within minutes, therefore it is important to try and gain a brand which  represents the artist whilst still catching the attention of the target audience. As a debut artist, advertisement is particularly important and social media allows this to be done in a quick and cheap way. Some artists such as Beyonce and Drake have already gained a fan base so may not need to tease an album or video, as when it is released, the audience they have already gained can use these social media platforms to share it and the unexpected drop of albums can cause more hype than those which are planned and advertised for months. However, debut artists need to win the loyalty of an audience before they are able to release anything and leaks and advertisements are the best way to do this, social media can just act as a platform to gain a higher popularity in today's society.

Cohesion is important when releasing new materials and text to an audience, as it means they are able to gain an understanding of what to expect from the final product. Typically, the magazine advert would be the first text released, and would act as a teaser for what music is to come. Then the album would be released, followed by the music video. By following a style throughout all these texts, the audience are able to recognize that each individual product is linked and gain interest. Personally, if i see an advert for something once(on social media for example), I most likely just scroll past it. But if that advert comes up on my feed more than once, I become more aware of it and am intrigued. If I then see another product which is cohesive to the first ad, then I will probably want to know more and gain more understanding of what it is all about. Therefore, the use of motifs and cohesion is very important, especially to lesser known artists, as it is important to gain a brand and style. and as you can see, I have ensured that all my products follow the same style and are clearly all linked.

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